Scripture Reading - Matthew 5:14-16 (New Living Translation)

14 You are the light of the world — like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. 15 Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. 16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. NLT

In verse 14 we see a remarkable statement in the words, “You are the light of the world”. In this exposition we are studying the NLT version but that statement reads almost exactly the same in the King James Version. The point is that many would think of Jesus as being “the Light of the world” but that is not what this verse says. Someone would ask, “How can I be the light of the world, instead of a light in the world?” The answer is Jesus Christ, since Jesus lives inside of you, you are indeed “the light of the world”. Not because you will enlighten everyone in this world but you could if everyone in the world came to you. Every Christian has the answer (the light) of exactly what people need in this earth. The answer (solution, remedy, understanding, etc…) is not complicated but rather simple because the answer for all is the answer of one, which is Jesus. The single answer all men need is the total involvement of Jesus Christ in their life. Philosophers will try to use rational investigation for answers but will always come up short because they are usually in darkness. Psychologist will consistently look into the science of the brain (or mind) to figure out what should be logical, but all their efforts still leave many mysteries because their failure to understand the spiritual power of God. The ancient religions of old have proven themselves useless when using sociology to determine God’s purpose for man upon the earth. Yes, dearly beloved human, the sole answer to all mysteries in life is Jesus Christ. In conjunction with that answer one must believe in the work of Jesus Christ for complete universal understanding. Therefore the main subject we should all be familiar with is Christ-ology. These Christian truths are preeminent in the universe of God and man but remain hidden from the average person in the earth. However, as Christians, we possess the light (the answer) for everyone in this world, below this world and beyond this world. This light is good for all people, rich and poor, black and white with every color and race in-between. This light which you are is good for all prior generations, current cultures and ages to come. Yes, dear Beloved Child of God you are the conduit of the answer just as well as being the answer Himself. You are “the light”, a major purpose of light is to help people see things clearly to help them accomplish God’s Will (task, goal, or desire) upon the earth. Thank you so much for showing God’s good deeds of Love to shine the answer of Jesus to all that are in your world. Remember you are “the light of the world” helping people to see God more clearly through the person and message of Jesus Christ. Amen!